Thursday, January 28, 2010


So today... Ugh, what a long day.  It started out with waking up around nine, brushing my teeth and driving my way to work in the wonderful 5oF Iowa morning.  It was hard to get going this morning so on my way into work I grabbed a quick cup of coffee from my favorite coffee shop; McDonalds.  Now don't get me wrong, I love Starbucks and all, but for a college student as myself I just can't pay for expensive all the time.  So anyways, with my mocha in hand I was ready to conqure the 28 pizza, 120 cookie order to be made for delivery that morning to a neighboring town.  At about 11:30 this morning I had accomplished my work and was off to head back to the house to start my school routine.  Got tot the house and felt dirty so I took a shower and then proceded to study.  That's another thing I hate.  I didn't do the best last semester with grades and all so I have to get a minimum of ten (10) PROCTORED study hours a week.  It's not that I don't study or anything, it's the fact that I study at random times in random places.  Now, since my wonderful proctored hours have been given to me, I have to sit in my room studying.  Today classes were pretty easy at least.  All I had today was Accounting 284.  I almost fell to sleep in that class though because it is SOOO boring.  After class I worked on my accounting homework for about 3.25 hours.  At 7:30pm I was finally able to return to my babe.  We went grocery shopping, but didn't really get much.  We settled on having Hy-Vee Chinese for dinner tonight.  That's another thing.  We never can decide on what to eat, so that's why I have started planning out meals for next week.  Some of the things include; Chicken Parmesan, Stuffed Red Peppers, Chicken Fried Steak, Oreo Truffles, and those wonderful peanut butter cookies with the chocolate stars inside(you know what I'm talking about).  Tonight we watched Inglorius Basterds.  It wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be and spent most of the movie wondering when it was going to get better and why I wasted my time downloading the movie at all.  Oh well.  It's almost midnight so I'm off to bed.  Got to donate plasma in the morning, full load of classes, and work4-1am.  Night.

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